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3 posters

    Looks like it's Star Wars!

    Brandy Maxy
    Brandy Maxy

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    Looks like it's Star Wars! Empty Looks like it's Star Wars!

    Post by Brandon Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:10 pm

    Rise of the Empire era

    The Rise of the Empire era, sometimes referred to as the Prequel era, takes place between 1,000 BBY and 0 BBY. In other terms, it encompasses all the Golden Age of the Old Republic. The events of Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith take place during this era.

    I would like for everyone to start off on Coruscant. Around the same age, late teens or early twenties. An age that's full of choices and graduations. If you have been a padwan or a sith apprentice, you will be close to graduating and being on your own. If you choose to be one that was not gifted with the ways of the force. Whether you choose to become a bounty hunter or a smuggler. Or maybe even a soldier in the constant battle between the two juggernauts: The Galactic Republic and The Confederacy of Independant Systems.

    PM me for custom roles. Smile

    Some explanations of roles and items in the Star Wars universe. If you aren't familiar.

    The Jedi Order, later known as the Old Jedi Order and referred to as the Holy Order of the Jedi Knights, was an ancient monastic peacekeeping organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force, specifically the light side. The Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, and became the most famous of the various groups that relied on the Force for their power. Led by a series of Jedi Councils, the Order grew over the millennia despite facing many trials, most often threats from the Sith, wielders of the dark side of the Force.

    Dark Jedi, also known as "Fallen" Jedi were Force-sensitives who chose to deny the light side of the Force and/or follow the dark side. Although "Dark Jedi" originally referred to a Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, it could also refer to uninitiated Force-sensitives who received no Jedi training but began their careers under another Dark Jedi. Others were simply dark-side users who did not follow the teachings of the Sith or other dark side organizations. In some cases, Dark Jedi also included "artificial" Force-sensitives who served the dark side, such as the Reborn and the Shadowtroopers. The first Dark Jedi was believed to be Xendor, who was the first member of the Jedi Order to fall. Other forerunners included Ajunta Pall and others who, after the Hundred-Year Darkness, were exiled from Galactic Republic space and became the ancient progenitors of the Sith Lords.

    The Force was a metaphysical, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders. The Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the light side, the dark side, the Unifying Force, and the Living Force. The first two aspects were concerned with the moral compass of the Force, as manifested by the conduct and emotions of living creatures who were themselves part of the fabric of the Force. The light side of the Force was the facet aligned with compassion, selflessness, self-knowledge and enlightenment, healing, mercy and benevolence, while the dark side of the Force was the element aligned with hatred, fear, covetousness, anger, aggression, jealousy and malevolence. The latter two aspects were defined by prominent Jedi philosophies: The Unifying Force essentially embraced space and time in its entirety while the Living Force dealt with the energy of living things. Though the Force was categorized in this way, there were no specific abilities or powers that were only usable by a follower of a different path of the Force; the Force partially existed inside the life forms that used it, and drew energy from their emotions. Some beings, particularly the Sith, believed that the dark side of the Force was more powerful than the light, though it was possible that the dark side was just more tempting to those who used it (or desired to use it). Others thought of the Force as an entity capable of intelligent thought, almost as a sort of deity. Anakin Skywalker, who was believed to have been conceived by the Force itself, may have shared this belief; if this was indeed the case, it would add credence towards the view of the Force as a sentient entity. Though the Force was thought to flow through every living thing, its power could only be harnessed by beings described as "Force-sensitive". This Force-sensitivity was correlated with, and sometimes attributed to, a high count of internal microorganisms called midi-chlorians that were found in a Force-sensitive's blood: the higher the count, the greater the being's potential Force ability, though there were some exceptions to this rule. Force-sensitive beings were able to tap into the Force to perform acts of great skill and agility as well as control and shape the world around them. Sometimes this ability was described as having a strong Force "aura".

    The typical lightsaber hilt consisted of a metal cylinder between twenty and thirty-five centimeters in length. However, the size of individuals hilts varied drastically, as the weapon was tailored to the creator's specific needs and preferences. The lightsaber mechanisms were contained within the hilt. High levels of energy generated by a high-output Diatium power cell was unleashed through a series of focusing lenses and energizers that converted the energy into plasma. The plasma was projected through a set of focusing crystals that lent the blade its properties and allowed for the adjustment of blade length and power output. The ideal number of crystals was three, though only one was required.Once focused by the crystals, the plasma was sent through a series of field energizers and modulation circuitry within the emitter matrix that further focused it, making it into a coherent beam of energy that was projected from the emitter. The blade typically extended about a meter before being arced by the blade containment field back to a negatively charged fissure ringing the emitter, where it was channeled back to the power cell by a superconductor, completing the circuit.

    Smuggling, while having been a part of galactic trade for many years in the Galactic Republic, absolutely thrived under the Galactic Empire's strict control of goods. The nationalizing of former Separatist companies' assets, including their vast merchant fleets, greatly increased smuggling's appeal—and demand. By 3 ABY, smuggling had become so common that Imperial officers often looked the other way if they found a smuggling outfit. For example, Admiral Kendal Ozzel, dismissed the Rebel outpost Echo Base on Hoth as a smuggling operation when reports of its location arrived from an Arakyd Viper probe droid. The fact that many smugglers operated in support of the Rebellion and channeled funds to them made such distinctions even more difficult.

    Bounty hunters were mercenaries for hire who tracked down and captured or killed anyone with a price on their head, although they were also known for doing nearly anything for the right price including the protection of clients. The best bounty hunters were very well armed and had very effective weapons, making them even more dangerous. There were, however, plenty of incompetent specimens throughout the galaxy, lacking any real skill but wishing to get rich quickly or simply seeking adventure. Bounty hunters usually worked alone, but occasionally formed partnerships. Partnering with a bounty hunter could be very dangerous business, though, as they typically valued their personal gain—and survival—above that of their companions. Despite their fierce independence, their reputation as "Jedi-killers" made them valuable tools of the Galactic Empire. There were strong rivalries between bounty hunters and smugglers, most obviously seen between Boba Fett and Han Solo, respectively.

    I think that's it.... O.O Lol

    Bio Sheet:


    Skin color:
    Hair (color/style):


    About Character
    Relationship status:
    Preferred weapon:

    Last edited by Brandonius Maximus on Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:39 am; edited 2 times in total
    Brandy Maxy
    Brandy Maxy

    Posts : 568
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    Age : 31
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    Looks like it's Star Wars! Empty Re: Looks like it's Star Wars!

    Post by Brandon Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:34 pm

    Name: Tesvalo Ryen
    Affiliation: The Galactic Republic
    Occupation: Jedi
    Role: Elder Padawan

    Species: Zabrak(Darth Maul's species)
    Gender: Male
    Ethnic: Dathomiri
    Skin color: White
    Tattoo: Red, full body tattoo. http://www.jeditemplearchives.com/galleries/Review_DarthMaulShirtless/Review_DarthMaulShirtless_artwork01.jpg
    Height: 5' 9"
    Build: Average, more on the thin side. Very athletic.
    Weight: 178
    Hair (color/style): 12 vestigal horns. 8 of the larger ones are mostly like a crown around my head. The other 4 spotted randomly about my head.
    Eyes: Red with a black ring around the outer edge.


    ^^^__I'm usually wearing a hood with this.

    About Character
    Relationship status: Single. (Jedi aren't allowed to have relationships)
    Sexuality: Straight
    Personality: Very irrational. Mostly misunderstood by the jedi concil, my master is really the only one I feel like understands me. Tend to put my emotions into my fights. Not nessicarily a good trait for a warrior of the light side, but I am sucessful so it is not contested. Very quiet in general only speaking when I feel like it's absolutly necessary
    Background/secret: He was a male Dathomiri Zabrak who lived as a member of the Nightbrother clan on Dathomir. As a noble warrior, and one who cared for the well being of his kin, Tesalvo was next in line to be the leader of one of the Nightbrother tribes, who lived subservient to the Nightsister witches who lived on the other side of Dathomir. Before he was picked up by his now jedi master; Kal Sepsom
    Lightsaber: http://darthhater.com/wp-content/gallery/screenshots/ca_20081226_jedilightsaber_full.jpg

    ^^^__Yellow blade.

    Last edited by Brandonius Maximus on Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:35 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 1138
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    Looks like it's Star Wars! Empty Re: Looks like it's Star Wars!

    Post by Eljordo Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:58 pm

    Star wars? Sure ^_^
    Bio Sheet:

    Name: Urthio
    Affiliation: Sith
    Occupation: Sith Apprentice
    Role: Sith warrior

    Species: human
    Gender: Male
    Ethnic: Caucasian
    Skin color: White
    Tattoo: On his right arm http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://27.media.tumblr.com/Hc2oe5qBdpyfxomkUGKbe8Cno1_500.jpg&imgrefurl=http://luciusjosiahchester.blogspot.com/2011/01/good-evil-tattoo.html&usg=__LwXVal2peHZLh7mlWBRDv-T0tIM=&h=602&w=500&sz=53&hl=en&start=36&zoom=1&tbnid=uqz8kixI3rO1xM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=131&ei=ryw-Tdr0GI-u8Ab358z2Cg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Devil%2Btattoo%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1T4ACEW_enCA403%26biw%3D1345%26bih%3D460%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C757&um=1&itbs=1&biw=1345&bih=460&iact=rc&dur=292&oei=iCw-TYXUHYv0tgOJl4HoAQ&esq=7&page=3&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:36&tx=99&ty=44
    Height: 6'1
    Build: Athletic
    Weight: 197
    Hair (color/style): Short brown
    Eyes: red

    Demonic armor: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://ui14.gamespot.com/845/fantasywarrior11362_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gamespot.com/pages/unions/forums/show_msgs.php%3Ftopic_id%3D26566000%26union_id%3D16828%26page%3D7&usg=__B4Hgh-bAZcCy2UNPQcJ-O_yrkTA=&h=341&w=500&sz=42&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Hvekw_dKDihCVM:&tbnh=154&tbnw=242&ei=Xys-Te6KNcO88gaXvaXFCg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Devil%2Barmor%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4ACEW_enCA403%26biw%3D1345%26bih%3D460%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=282&oei=Qys-TYfnCIvWtQPxn83XAQ&esq=3&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0&tx=114&ty=74
    About Character
    Relationship status: Single
    Sexuality: Straight
    Personality: Doesnt care about anybody or anything. He just wants to drown the galaxy
    Background/secret: Urthio was once a jedi padawan. He fell in love with a girl, knowing this was not allowed in the Jedi order, he abbandoned his vowes and fled. She died of a terrible sickness, and Urthio snapped. He did not care anymore, he would kill innocent people, pillage and torture people just for the hell of it.
    Preferred weapon: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.deviantart.com/download/66948673/Sith_Lightsaber_by_Bonez18B.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bonez18b.deviantart.com/art/Sith-Lightsaber-66948673&h=812&w=806&sz=144&tbnid=hTNwNWJE6zt9eM:&tbnh=144&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsith%2Blightsaber&zoom=1&q=sith+lightsaber&usg=__PKjOWORJJ1kI3aPc8eNu0O6N8MQ=&sa=X&ei=JS4-TZHKGYK4sQOgyrihAg&ved=0CDoQ9QEwBA
    Brandy Maxy
    Brandy Maxy

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    Looks like it's Star Wars! Empty Re: Looks like it's Star Wars!

    Post by Brandon Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:56 pm

    Nice. Yeah, I'm planning on my padawan falling as well. I just wanted to act out the story of the actual fall from the jedi order, instead of it already have happened to his character. Very Happy

    Uhm. I'll wait for a bit. See if we get anyone else you know? And If not. I'll just start with just us two I guess. Lol
    Admin's Pet
    Admin's Pet

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    Looks like it's Star Wars! Empty Re: Looks like it's Star Wars!

    Post by Allen Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:58 pm

    ...Brandon... I don't think anyone likes Star Wars anymore.

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    Looks like it's Star Wars! Empty Re: Looks like it's Star Wars!

    Post by Eljordo Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:24 am

    Oh Allen, why so negative Razz

    Anyways, i personally think we should start
    Brandy Maxy
    Brandy Maxy

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    Looks like it's Star Wars! Empty Re: Looks like it's Star Wars!

    Post by Brandon Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:32 am

    I leaned on the corner of the dark street, pressing my right hand tightly against my ribs. I was trying my best to stop the bleeding. I glanced around slowly, clenching my teeth. I could find a taxi anywhere. I sighed and made my way to a street-side lift. *Maybe there were some on the second level. Slowly, I limped my way to it and stepped on the pannel. It lit up and I left the gorund gently. From the loss of blood, I was a little bit light-headed after I stepped out onto the second level deck. There was a taxi I spotted, several feet down the platform so I began to head in that direction.

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