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Burn It
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    Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    The Architect of Fate
    The Architect of Fate

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    Done Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Murdoch Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:10 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    It is the year T.C. -88. Earth has been rendered useless as humanities home, the conditions becoming too hostile for any human life to survive there due to war, global warming and pollution in the year T.C. 80. A megacorporation by the name of Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC) attempted to colonise E.D.N III, a young, earth-like planet in the grip of a brutal Ice Age. As soon as NEVEC landed on the planet, however, they discovered a beastial insectoid alien race that they named The Akrid. The Akrid are fiercely territorial and will fight any trespassers to the death to guard their land and the precious energy that they create in their bodies.

    With the temperatures plummeting way past absolute zero, NEVEC had to employ its special body suits which keep the body warm enough to survive outside. The fuel used is Thermal Energy, the energy of pure heat which powers all machines on E.D.N III. The only problem is that the only source of T-energy is The Akrid, who produce it in order to keep warm themselves.

    A bitter war erupted not long after NEVEC and the colonists landed between the humans and the Akrid for this precious resource. NEVEC lost, and humanity was forced into small towns and underground complexes, constantly fighting off Akrid incursions. Human casualties would always occur, and NEVEC was forced to constantly upgrade its machinery and weaponry to get enough T-energy to go around.

    Their primary weapon against the monstrous Akrid? Vital Suits. Vital Suits, or V-suits, are large robots designed to keep the driver warm enough to survive and reasonably safe from Akrid attack. There are lots of different types, all suited for a different purpose.

    Soon enough, however, colonists began rebelling against the harsh rule of the militaristic NEVEC and began performing hit-and-run raids on their outposts, cities and supply trains, stealing weapons and T-energy. Soon enough, they got their hands on some V-suits and began adapting them for their own usage. These colonists came to be known as Snow Pirates.

    The Snow Pirates were by no means allied, however. They would fight each other just as readily as they would NEVEC, and skirmishes could break out over the smallest but of T-energy. After all, V-suits take T-energy to run. Everything does.
    7 years ago, NEVEC was delivered a devastating blow. A small group of people struck out at them, ruining their plan to seize all the remaining T-energy on the planet and abandon it to its fate. Their grip was weakened severely, and thermal energy was spread throughout the planets ecosystem. The war for T-energy intensified, and soon the sheer amount of T-energy being spilled began to warm the planets ecosystem. Soon, jungles began to appear from beneath the metres-thick snow and ice, sandy wastelands came into being where before there was just tundra, and yet more Akrid appeared from the ground.

    Now? Most of the planet- about two thirds- is still covered in ice, but that is slowly changing. There are lush jungles and rocky plateaus, stretching sandy deserts and rolling plains of green dotting the planets single continent. There are warm patches of ocean where life is increasing drastically, and T-energy is easier to come by in these areas. The weather is in chaos, though, meaning that even one mile can take you from blistering heat to below-zero temperatures. The war still rages on, the Snow Pirates having adapted as well as NEVEC; they are weakened, but not gone. They are fighting the Snow Pirates and Akrid, all fighting for domination on the planet. And there is another faction; when the truth came out about NEVEC’s intentions, many of their troops stayed loyal. Maintained that it was the right thing to do, that humans elsewhere who are not yet doomed need the energy as well, but many also were shocked at their commanders planned actions and defected. The Ex-NEVEC are now fighting just as hard as everyone else to restore order, to gain dominance and, most importantly, simply to survive.

    Choose ONE. And please, act like the faction would. No suddenly defecting, ok? The pictures below are not rules on what to wear; they are suggestions as to the *kind* of thing they would wear. Ok?

    The Rounders:
    Primarily Desert and Snowy Plains Pirates, they carry out guerrilla raids with expert timing and coordination. They focus on taking the enemies most valued assets, stealing whatever they can along the way. They usually operate out of stationary bases hidden in cave networks and in out-of-the-way valleys, and are known for being out for themselves, reserved and serious.
    Snow: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100323081560/lostplanet/images/0/00/Mercenary.png
    Desert/anywhere else: http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-14/lp2-waysider.html

    Snow Pirate Elites:
    The self-styled ‘elites’ prefer to, like the Rounders, carry out sneak attack raids. However, whereas the Rounders perform large sneak attacks as distractions and hit from the side, taking what they can, the Elites prefer to sneak in, kill some guards and take what is light or fast enough to get away with. They don’t go out of their way to take everything; only what they can carry, and then they melt back into the shadows. They can attack anywhere, but their major areas of operations are the mountains, the deserts and the jungles. They usually operate out of temporary camps which move every week or so to avoid detection.
    Deserts/mountains: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100323081322/lostplanet/images/e/e9/Carpetbagger_01.png
    Jungles/Ice: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100323081730/lostplanet/images/8/88/Snow_Pirate_Elite_01.png

    Fight Junkies:
    Exactly what the name implies. They care nothing for tactics or planning; they rush straight in and overwhelm their foes in massive, surprise attacks from the side, stealing whatever isn’t nailed down…and if it is nailed down? They steal the nails as well. They are loud, obnoxious and aggressive, and only care if it’s big and shiny. They are expert fighters, however, and can disappear back into the forest or desert seamlessly. They avoid the icy areas, preferring the arid heat and humidity of jungles and deserts.
    Deserts: http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-14/art/lp2-vagabundo.jpg
    Jungles: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100323081458/lostplanet/images/7/77/Jungle_Pirate.png

    The Military Corporation that is meant to have overseen the colonisation and protected the colonists. They are at constant war with the Akrid and the Snow Pirates, and are the best-funded and most high-tech of all the factions. Of course, that means little when your stuff is getting stolen. Of course, they do win just as many skirmishes as they lose. They are disciplined, organised and very, very effective in all theatres of war, being trained in desert, jungle, snow, mountain and sea warfare, their special forces being second to none.

    Exactly the same as NEVEC, except that they have defected. They attack mainly NEVEC and the Akrid, but occasionally attack Snow Pirates as well. They get their stuff the same way Snow Pirates do: theft from other factions. They are just as well trained as NEVEC is.

    Now, the weapons available for human use are:

    Machine Gun
    Rocket Launcher
    Sniper rifle
    Laser Rifle

    Each Human has something called a “Harmonizer” which lessens the use of Thermal Energy and can keep you alive for a short time if your T-energy runs out. If you are wounded, it uses some of your T-energy reserves to heal that wound. Each human also has a grappling hook on their wrist, for use in climbing or- if you’re creative- fighting Akrid. The Akrids major weakness is the large red patches on their bodies were they store their thermal energy. Shoot that, you can collect some T-energy and hurt them at the same time.
    The Akrid are mostly insectoid in appearance; beyond that, go ahead and be creative : ) Have a look at the bottom links on this page (Category S, M and G Akrid (Small, Medium and Gigantic respectively)) for a basic idea.

    Finally, the Vital Suits (VS’s). Just go to this page and read scroll down to where the first picture of a robot is. For simplicities sake, I’ll say that you can remove and attach weapons to most VS’s, and these are the weapons you can have:

    VS Gatling Gun
    VS Rocket Launcher
    VS Shotgun
    VS Flamethrower
    VS Laser Rifle
    VS Plasma Gun (Gatling Gun but with high-temperature plasma bullets)
    Chain Blades
    (for the Cakti) tank shells, machine gun and a large drill.


    -Mireya, Leader of a small group.

    Snow Pirates Elites:
    -Capri, leader of a small band of SPE's.

    Fight Junkies:
    -Danny, leader of a small group of Fight Junkies
    -Jade, heavy weapons specialist in Danny's squad

    -Kristie, Colonel of a small group of NEVEC soldiers.

    -Murdoch (me), leader of a small three-man squad sent to collect T-energy and neutralise rivals.
    -Brandon (Can't remember the character name), medic in Murdochs squad.


    Ok, we all start in a massive jungle on the east side of the continent. We’ve all heard of a G-class Akrid prowling around here (an absolutely colossal Akrid) and have come to kill it and collect the massive amounts of T-energy that it will drop. Needless to say, we aren’t eager to work with each other, so what will we do when we enter the dark, oppressive jungles that are teeming with rival hunters and hostile Akrid…?

    Last edited by Murdoch on Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:55 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Mireya Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:41 pm

    ooc: It's all good. ^_^
    Hmm, I wonder, we kill the akrid for their thermal energy, or can we capture them for it?

    bic: I heard them before I saw them, but I saw them at a fair distance all the same. I perched atop a tree branch with my V suit just beside me and I lined up my shots. There were a fair number of them, but they weren't that dangerous. I was a bit more concerned with their exploding older siblings...I watched through the scope, taking out whichever ones appeared to be lining up for a little transformation of sorts.

    "Darlings, mommy can't shoot all of them for you until you let mommy buy more bullets,"
    she said in reference to her obvious need to conserve energy.
    The Architect of Fate
    The Architect of Fate

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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Murdoch Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:51 pm

    ooc: I wouldn't suggest capturing Akrid...they're violent, and you need more than five to capture them. Also, your VS is on a treebranch? Erm...do you realise how big and heavy a VS is?

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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Mireya Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:03 pm

    ooc: trees in a rain forest are so thick you can put a house on them I'm not too high up, and it's in the crux of the branch. ^_^
    Burn It
    Burn It
    The Terminator
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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Burn It Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:55 pm

    OOC- I SWARE IT DIDNT TAKE ME THIS LONG. I had to eat dinner and such :3

    The meeting area was not bare, but a very open spot where we’d all be able to be comfortably. It was in low dense trees, and could see around us far enough to be able to watch ourselves if something should come along. Not to mention Kevin up above, we’d be fine to drop our guards and decide what’s going on for a couple minutes. Pushing past the last tree, I’d come to the area, with Amy, Conner, and Alex already there talking. “Only you guys so far?” I asked, not extremely impressed the others weren’t here yet. It was a even distance area, they should have beat me here.
    “Just us. Randy and Jonathan are still back tracking through the bush last I heard.” Amy said, snapping up instantly to my question. The other two just talking amongst themselves, not very involved.
    “What about you two, any word from Greg or Aaron?” They both kept on talking, or whispering more like it. I keyed into the radio, “Sorry to break up the conversation, but we have missing teammates. Mind paying attention for thirty seconds?” Both of them snapped up straight, the looks on their faces telling me they didn’t know I’d arrived – Hard to believe, I made enough noise.
    “Greg keyed up about a minute ago, said he said took a wrong turn, and is headed this way now. The dumbass must not have been looking at his GPS.” Conner answered.
    “Actually, I had it off for a while, didn’t think I needed it. I was wrong, and tripped myself over a huge ass log. I was getting up, dumbass. Not easy when your butt is this wide.” Greg appeared from the trees, and stated in a sarcastic tone.
    “Do you guys mind? We’re still missing Aaron and I don’t need to listen to the shit.” I keyed on the radio to Kevin, “Do you have eyes on Aaron? He hasn’t made it to the meeting point yet.”
    “I’m looking at him right now. The dipshit is out of his VS takin’ a piss; I’ve been hovering for about 5minutes making sure something doesn’t eat his ass. Want me to scare him?”
    “Shoot a tree or something. Get him back in the VS so I can break his ear drums.” I keyed off the radio waiting for a response, and returned to the group’s attention. “He’ll be yelling into the radio in about a minute. We wait till then for briefing, and if Jonathan and Randy aren’t back by then, I’ll contact Kevin once more, and then we all go looking.”
    The Architect of Fate
    The Architect of Fate

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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Murdoch Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:19 pm

    Burn It
    Burn It
    The Terminator
    The Terminator

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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Burn It Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:35 pm

    Just waiting.
    The Architect of Fate
    The Architect of Fate

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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Murdoch Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:13 am

    *sigh* this ALWAYS happens! Everyone just leaves! > : ( It would be polite to at least *say* that they're out instead of leaving us hanging! GAH! This is why I gave up posting....complete....GAH!
    Jade Hawk
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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Jade Hawk Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:18 am

    I'm here but... I don't know what to do.
    The Architect of Fate
    The Architect of Fate

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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Murdoch Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:54 am

    Well, just assume control of the squad. Danny obviously isn't coming back, and I am going to assume that brandon is out. I don't know about the other two, but...gah. I'll post later on.
    The Architect of Fate
    The Architect of Fate

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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Murdoch Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:11 pm

    The radio crackles slightly and he curses. The heavy jungles must be interfering with the mid-to-long range radio link. He turns his head to look at Melissa. "Is the short range radio waorking?" He asks, and after a little bit of static, he hears Melissa's voice answering, crackly and distorted.
    "Aye, sir. Must be something to do with the dense foliage."
    "Or the Cat-G. They can sometimes have an effect like this." Melissa only nods.

    Murdoch shakes his head, turning back around to look at the beaten dirt trank before him. Punching in a few commands on the control panel of the Evax, he sets it lumbering forwards in the direction of the Relay Station. Brandon and Jared both know to go there, so he'll meet up with them there. If they don't show up, then they will be yet more members of Taskforce Pariah not to make it back to base. The thought saddens him, but he conquers the feeling as the two Evax's walk down the narrow road. For now, he has a job to do.
    The Zealous Irish-Italian
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    Done Re: Lost Planet: E.D.N III

    Post by Capri Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:19 pm

    OOC- I'm sorry my posts have been slow. I've been busy lately, and am new to this sort of thing. Again, my apologies.


    Not a thing was moving in the jungle. It was very strange. Capri was beginning to become bothered.

    She held the button on her radio, "Something's wrong here." Her voice had light static.

    "Got that right. It's too quiet." Grey clicked in.

    "Way too quiet." Fabio chimed.

    You could hear Kim sigh, "Yeah, man. Nerve-racking."

    "Just be on your toes everyone. We need to grab us some T-Energy and get the hell out of here." she glanced down at her meter, then back out in front of her, peeking through the dense vegetation.

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